Skills for tomorrow
Remote & Hybrid Manager Accelerator:

How and where we work has changed. Your managers need new skills to thrive in a changing world of work.

The Kunik Accelerator is a unique opportunity to learn from leading experts with deep, real world experience running remote/hybrid teams.

Our unique, inter-company format means managers have the opportunity to share and learn from other business leaders facing similar challenges.

"The number 1 problem in hybrid & virtual work is building relationships"

Turn managers into people leaders who can lead from anywhere by learning:

Operational best practices
Empathetic habits

The Plan

Operational Management

Network Icon

Asynchronous Workflows

Agile Teams +


Managerial Empathy


Caring for
your People



  • Cohort based, live, virtual
  • Learn from peers & experts
  • Finish in 1 quarter: 6 sessions
  • Workbooks, tearsheets, action plans
  • Practical & actionable skills
  • Deep knowledge for long-term hybrid & remote success

Meet the Experts

Darren Murph

Head of Remote, Gitlab
The Future of work is
the future of living

Tirrell Payton

CEO, Nooma Group 
Embrace the flex:
agile teams + communication

Chris Dyer

CEO, PeopleG2
Not another
f*ing meeting

Minette Norman

Inclusive leadership expert
Nurturing inclusive teams & building psychological safety

Kate Snowise

“Here to Thrive” podcast & coach 
"I see you" Caring for
your people in a remote world

Trace Wax

Author + agile team guru
Hybrid team hygiene

Connect your people. Advance your culture.
Bring Kunik to your workplace today.